quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2015

O que sua série favorita de Star Trek diz a seu respeito?

Os trekkers mais fanáticos já devem ter lido esse texto, mas, há algum tempo, o Io9 publicou um artigo sobre "o que a sua série de Star Trek favorita diz a seu respeito"
Testemos o texto: minha série favorita da franquia criada por Gene Roddenberry é, DEFINITIVAMENTE, Deep Space 9.

Sorry guys. Enquanto vcs ficam em longas discussões sobre qual capitão é melhor, Kirk ou Picard, eu fico aqui vendo Benjamin Sisko ser awesome e bancar o puppet master com o destino de dezenas de planetas enquanto junta os cacos da federação durante uma guerra de proporções cósmicas. 
Vejamos então o que o artigo diz a esse respeito: 

"Deep Space Nine

You kind of hate everyone. Maybe you were picked on a lot when you were younger, or maybe your parents were immigrants who fled from persecution and then faced discrimination in their new home. Whatever the reason, you have a dim view of human nature and you don't want to take part in anyone's house meetings. You're obsessed with conspiracy theories that the CIA created AIDS, and the NSA is watching you in the shower. And you like to experiment with religion, especially like Kabbalah or anything New Age that involves lots of cool visions that THEY don't want you to see. But you also believe a strong military is needed (because of your dim view of human nature) and support getting tough with Russia and North Korea. You regard war as a natural extension of politics. You and your friends are constantly getting drunk and getting into fights and then making up and getting drunk again. You all cry together, a lot."

Tirando a parte sobre os militares, diria que foi bem preciso. Quem quiser tentar a sorte, é só clicar aqui.

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