terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2016

e já que falei de artistas e condições de trabalho escrotas....

"I want to see people actually listen to victims instead of demanding proof. The thing about harassment (and any form of bullying) is that it’s usually low-key to start, and doesn’t leave a paper trail. Documenting a pattern of behavior is impossible unless you exist with a Go-Pro on your shoulder. Plus, people don’t make these accusations for fun. Look at what happens to the women who have spoken out! It’s stressful, embarrassing, potentially career-killing. Go ahead and assume if someone says that So-And- So is a creep, it’s not for no good reason.

This isn’t about a witch hunt. This is far from that. This is about taking a community we all love and care about – a celebration of the coolest art form humans have ever created – and making it better, making it stronger, making it more sustainable. To do that, we have to work together."

...deixo essa matéria do Comics Bulletin e o link pro podcast dos meninos do terrazero.com.br sobre o caso envolvendo as várias acusações de abuso contra o editor da DC, Eddie Berganza. Pq, afinal, é uma indústria tão grande quanto a de mangás e animes, ainda mais depois do boom de filmes de super heróis e, como a repercussão do caso nos lembra, Berganza não é um caso isolado

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